Monday, March 1, 2010

Kathy Smith wiped me out.

Even if I don't stick with the exact routine, this is the most motivating thing I've ever done.  I walked with Kathy Smith today and didn't stick with her whole routine because she did part of it on a treadmill, and frankly.....she was pushing me hard today.  But when it started to get really tough, (she wanted me to push it up to a level 9- very very hard for me) I actually pushed myself and just started to jog.  I jogged about 9 minutes.  (I've never jogged like that...I hate jogging)  It felt great!  Then during the 'cool down', I came home and did 4 minutes on my elliptical on level 9. felt great and I was so pumped. 

I actually tried to talk myself out of walking today but pushed through that.  I am looking ahead at what i want to do next.  I think I am going to add some strenght training next.  Spring break is coming up so I might wait until after that and just keep on going like I am for now.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feeling the differences

OK, I've been trying something out and I think I figured out what works for me.

I wanted to see how I would do if I just did an "every other day" workout.  The elliptical is a good workout so I wanted to see how I would do just doing a difference.

OK, that stuff about how working out keeps your energy up and helps with depression and all that stuff.  I'm a believer now.  I worked out Tues. but not Wed.  I was tired all day, and sad.  I accomplished absolutely nothing!  Sat on the couch for a big part of the day.  Not good.  So that in itself is a motivator.

However, I only have an elliptical so I will alternate days with walking outdoors.  Even if I don't do a high intensity walking workout (like on a tredmill where you can adjust incline) I think I need to do it so that I will stay motivated.

This time the trainer talked a bit about how my body will be burning calories for the next few hours so to eat healthy and drink lots of water.  Good stuff.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

sorry its been awhile

OK, I've been slacking on this blog, but I have been keeping up with my exercise program, with the exception of the last two weekends. I had company and was playing instead, but I did workout through the week. It didn't help that I had some cake, Hagen daz dark chocolate ice cream, lots of bread and some chocolates too. Oh well, I still feel great! I guess I better follow my weight loss program a bit better too. :)

Today I was on the elliptical. I'm really like that and think I'd like to add some weights into my program now. I still like walking but I have to walk a bit longer to get the same workout I would on my elliptical so I might change up my routine a bit to incorporate weights.

That is the great thing about this is that you can change it up whenever. Brian talked to a woman yesterday that takes her Keychain trainer to the gym. She can't afford the personal trainer there so she uses her Keychain trainer. She said it makes a world of difference to have instruction on the machines.

Well, till next time.....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kathy Smith kicked my butt!

OK, just used my Keychain trainer to walk with Kathy Smith tonight. I've been trying a few different personal trainers...(there are about 80). Anyway, Kathy is really good! I think I will be a bit sore tomorrow though. Day number 3 and still going strong. woohoo.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eliptical today!

Whoa! That was amazing. I have never been on my elliptical for more then 5 min. I did a whole 29 min. (had to cut out the last minute). I feel so good today. I don't even want to crash on the couch and veg! That's a "new" for me. Going to take pics today but not sure if I feel comfortable about posting them yet...but then, that is the whole purpose behind this blog...before and after!

To all my dear friends who are struggling with one thing or another right now. There is definitely something to be said about exercising and getting fit. My problem has always been motivation. Oh, I've had my friend and neighbors (you know who you are) try to get me out walking and I do on and off but the end result is that I quite and realize I really don't want to do it. I would much rather miraculously feel fit and trim. Not going to happen. This new Keychain Trainer I am using is amazing. I don't really know why but I feel more motivated to stick with it then I have with anything else. I like the way it tells me what to do. I was ready to quite as soon as my legs started throbbing then the trainers voice came on and I (amazing) kept on going. weird I know but I did another workout for the second day in a row.

I know, I know.....lets see if she keeps this up. Well, I guess you will just have to check back and see. Now, not to totally shock you....I'm off to mop my floors!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Ok, that was so much fun. Much better then just walking...even better then walking and talking ( yes I've actually tried that). i just finished my first "walking" workout with my personal trainer Yummi Lee (trainer with the stars). Tomorrow I think I will try Kathy Smith (Nationally known personal trainer)

Peed your interest yet?

My first NextFit blog.

OK, I have dedicated myself to learning about "blogging". Yup, going to bring myself up into the techno age. What better way then to start blogging about a new business I am involved in. Yup, I'm going to blog all about it!

I started today with a great walk with my friend Monica and we talked all about it. We are motivating each other in this new business venture. (She's doing it too). SO, I am going to learn about to do it...upload to spell....(LOL)...etc., and then I will share with you exactly WHAT I am doing.

Stay tuned!